Friday, October 31, 2008

98, 99, 100!

Not so happy about the Halloween costume!

Okay I know I am a total cheese! But our little Monkey has been with us for 100 days! Pretty amazing huh! Time sure does fly but at the same time it's only been a hundred days. I can't imagine life without tis guy. I got a card that says, " The miracle is that one little life can change so many!" I think that is pretty true. Patrick and I have gotten closer and are both in love with our son. I can better understand the term "unconditional love" and in that understand the love our parents have for us and the love heavenly father has for us too. It has been an amazing journey, one that has changed me. I am so grateful that GK is healthy and happy. I truly cherish every moment we have together. I love being able to stay at home. I thought I would go crazy but the days fly by. Thanks Patrick for everything You are the best!

No Leonardo, but pretty good!

On Monday night for f.h.e. brandon and jenn came over for some good old pumpkin carving. 
We had a lot of fun. I know the boys were trying to avoid it. They went out shooting before and I thought they weren't going to come back until it was too late! But they did and it was a lot of fun.
Jenn's, Brandon's, Patrick's, and Heidi's pumpkins in that order.

Yes this is the smoking pumpkin. Patrick and Brandon are so funny. When the air freshener through the pumpkin didn't work, Patrick decided to try to light it on fire which as you can see, didn't work out so well either!


On Tuesday Lyndsey and Chaye and I took our little boys to the witchfest at Gardner Village! The only little boy that really ad fun was Benton of course G.K. snd Gage slept the whole time. We had a lot of fun although I spent way too much money! 

A Photo Tag

Thanks Kim. Tag You're it! Go to your 4th folder in your my pictures profile and pull up your 4th picture! I had to go to my events 'cause of the mac. Then tell about your picture. And I tag you!

This was 2 summers ago, I went to Austria to visit my sister. We had gone shopping. Yes they have an H&M there, my favorite store!

Monday, October 27, 2008

So Sorry

I know I put way too many pictures of G.K. on my blog,
But I just can't help it.
So sorry to annoy you but he is the apple of my eye!

Thanks for the adorable booties Juli! They are almost too small so I'm glad I got the chance to take some pictures with him in them. I didn't have an outfit to match...
so I thought bare would work!

Halloween Party!

On Saturday we had our annual Lowder Family Halloween Party.
It was a lot of fun. We had the classic witches brew (root beer with dry ice),
A parade down the street, and for the first time this year we played musical chairs.
Everyone had a really good time! 
After the party we had a spook alley in the basement.
It was the site of a helicopter crash. It was too scary so I couldn't take any pictures.
Darin and C'aira were the most afraid.

G.K. and Patrick
Garrison our little monkey
C'aira & Darin
Grandpa & Grandma
Garret, Maddie, Traci, Michelle, Carson, Paxton, Mackell, and Alyssa
Darin, C'aira, Jennifer, Jason, Kortni, Quenton, and Braydon
Lndsey, Benton, Adam, and Dyllan
Heidi, Patrick, and G.K.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

You're It

8 Fav T.V. Shows
1. M*A*S*H
2. The Office
3. Rob & Big
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. So You Think You Can Dance Dance Dance
7. The Real World (& Real World / Road Rules Challenge)
8. E.R. (I'm sad it's the last season)

8 Fav Restuarants
1. Cafe Rio
2. Casper's
3. Olive Garden
4. Paradise Cafe
5. Rumbi's 
6. Morelia's
7. The Noodle Co. 
8. The Cheesecake Factory

8 Things that Happened Yesterday
1. Slept in (HAHA)
2. Got my wedding ring cleaned & inspected
3. Didn't buy anything in the mall (a shocker)
4. When to my Mom's enrichment and had fun I should probably go to mine!
5. Got to take a shower
6. Saw all the cute puppies and birds in the pet store
7. G.K. only cried on his way home
8. I went through G.K.'s clothes to get out the 3-6 months sad huh!

8 Things I look forward to
1. Running my next marathon
2. Halloween 
3. Thanksgiving ( and Shopping after Thanksgiving )
4. Christmas
5. G.K.'s first laugh 
6. G.K. crawling
7. Breakfast on Sunday
8. Summer

8 Things I Love about Fall
1. Comfort foods
2. Hoodies and Sweaters
3. Hooker boots
4. Chilly mornings
5. Fires in the fireplace
6. Baking
7. Snow in the mountains
8. Better t.v. 

8 Things on my wish list
1. Travel
2. Finish School
3. Patrick finish school
4. Pay the house off
5. Wallpaper tasted like candy
6. A never ending gobstopper
7. A river of chocolate
8. Pretty much the whole chocolate factory

8 People I tag
1. You 
2. Kami
3. Kamille
4. Juli
5. Mom
6. Lyndsey
7. Val
8. Carina

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pick a punkin

yesterday we went to a little pumpkin patch in Riverton. It was really cute, they had lots of tractors and  a little childrens corn maze. G.K. couldn't quite pick his own pumpkin yet so we picked one for him.
This little kitty sure loved Patrick

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Best Birthday

This weekend I got to celebrate my 28th birthday! I had so much fun. A few months ago my sister and I got an e-mail about a half marathon in Moab. I love love love races in Moab! They have the race in spring which is really hard to get into because it is so popular it is the 2nd half of the course, more down hill. But they also have "the other half" not quite as popular, but I like it more. There is more uphill, they are both beautiful but I do like the 1st half a little more
and this one ends in a much better way. You don't have to run through town they end it at the Sorrel River Ranch. So Juli called me the day she got the e-mail and we signed up because it was on my Birthday! This was a few months ago and I wasn't sure if I'd get to train very much or what shape I'd be in after having G.K. But I think it was really good motivation for me the last few months being prego and after as well. I really wanted Patrick and G.K. to come, I didn't want to miss them on my birthday but it worked out better to leave them at home and have a girls night out. Thank heavens I was with Juli I didn't know anything about how to save the milk that I had to pump and she was very understanding of how I was feeling emotionally. I'm sure no one wants to hear about all that but I am really glad that my first time leaving G.K. overnight he was with his Daddy and I had someone to help me too. Thanks!
We left on Saturday afternoon about 1:00 and Kathy (Juli's mom-in-law) let us take her zippy new car that was really nice. Once we got there we checked into our hotel and picked up our packets. They gave us nice jackets instead of shirts and we got cute pint glasses. There wasn't a whole lot at the expo so we went to eat at ZAX on main street. The wait was about 45 minutes so we went for a walk on the little walkway along the stream and took some pictures.
I always forget how beautiful Moab is. We had plenty to take pictures of. We both got Cheese tortelloni. It was so good I ate way too much. After we went to a few shops. Juli got some way cute Keens. When we got back to the hotel it is tradition to paint your toe nails before a race. So Juli painted hers orange (very festive) and I painted mine a grey/blue color. 
We woke up at 5:30 to get ready for the race. The busses took us up the mountain and there were fires to keep us warm. It wasn't too cold. The race went by so fast! It was gorgeous. The first time I ran this race was when I decided I could do a marathon , that was 2003 or 2004, I can't remember for sure. It just goes by so fast! After the race they had tons of treats. Everything from beer to candy corns. I opted for the candy corns. 
We ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant that was really good too and again I ate way too much.
Juli hardly ate anything but she drank a lot of coke. She got sick so I drove home. I really liked Kathy's car. It's a good thing Juli wasn't feeling well because we both could have spent a lot of money there.
When I got home Patrick had dinner all ready (Salmon, potatoes, salad, and rolls). G.K. missed me horribly, but he was really good for his Dad. Patrick even made me a cake that was delicious. I think I had the best birthday ever. Thanks everyone! I am so blessed!

The restaurant had these balloons, they must have known I was coming.
Juli and I at the Expo.
Juli in front of a pretty fall tree.
Me on the bridge over the river.
Juli the miner (no she didn't go to Bingham).
Look at our cute feet! I got a blister during the run.
This was the first picture taken on my birthday! 
We were just heading out to get on the bus.
I look really tired all ready!
This is me driving Kathy's car singing the Birthday song that is on my ipod.
I love my birthday!
Juli and I with our medals.
We didn't get a chance to take a pic after the race. 
We were kinda in a hurray. We got back to our hotel room at noon and still had to shower, pack, and pump. While I was pumping the housekeeper was trying to get in to clean. I couldn't answer the door, she kept knocking and trying to get in. It was really pretty funny. 
I missed my baby so much! Every time I saw a baby I thought about my little boy and how much I wanted him there. He would have had a lot of fun, but I know he had fun with his papa!
This is the yummy cake Patrick made for me. It was delicious! 
I was so tired and worn out but I didn't want my birthday to end. Patrick and I watched 
Beetle Juice on t.v. and fell asleep on the floor. I had the best birthday ever!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last weekend Patrick's mom taught me how to can tomatoes!
We had a lot of fun.
This is the first batch, the second Patrick and I fell asleep watching a movie.
The water got a little low and they cooked longer than they were supposed to.
I think they are okay though, it was a lot of fun.
Now I just need to learn how to cook using them.

G.K has been getting so big!
It is fun to watch him grow.
He is learning to use his arms and feet.
When he is mad I'll lay him on his tummy and he almost crawls.
We are trying to get him to work off some of that baby fat.
No, it is adorable.

I do think he is looking more and more like Patrick.
I just love my boys! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tom in town

Tom has been in town for the past week.He ran the St. George marathon (I'm so jealous) so he came a few days early and stayed a few days after. He did a really good job on the race. I hope he can come run it again next year. 

We went up to Snowbird and got the moose cake at the Steak Pit. It was really good but I remembered it being better.

It was really good to see ya Tom! We really missed Yadi but I think we all understand that she couldn't make it. Hopefully next time!

Peyton's Baptism

This past weekend Peyton got baptized. He is one of the newest members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It was a really good idea to have a baptism over conference weekend.
 It is always nice to hear the Prophet. It helps to make it more memorable for Peyton.
I rode up to Wendi's in Logan (she updated her blog!) on Friday and we had a lot of fun.
We took a little tour of Logan and then went to one of her friends house to watch Iron Man on their really nice movie screen. 
Of course Wendi and I stayed up late talking past 1:30 in the morning.  
We got up at 5:00 A.M. to to drive to Riverton, Woming to be at the baptism.
We got there with a little time to spare It was a really nice drive.  

This is one of my favorite pictures of Peyton that I have ever seen. He is such a ham.
This is Dane and Peyton right before the baptism.
You know that Peyton is well loved. 
Look at all the people that travelled from Utah to support him.
What a cute family.
Dane and Jodi with Riley and Peyton.
Checking out the goods. I think Peyton scored big on the baptism!
G.K. loves his aunt Jodi. She could calm him down when I couldn't.
Kate is sure growing up. I can't believe she's 12.
You always have to have a sisters shot. Jodi, Wendi, and Me.
Everyone just hanging out. Jodi fed us all so well! She is an amazing hostess.
She really isn't a Longstroth anymore. None of us can entertain like she can. You Go Jodi!

I am going tomorrow to buy one of these toys. 
G.K. was being really fussy and Tandra brought this for her darling baby Isaac.
They let G.K. borrow it and he was cooing at it and smiling so big. I thought he was going to laugh.
Here Jodi is being hounded by Tobey, Barkley, and Harley. 
They are such good and cute puppies! I love how they are all begging.
Thanks Juli for letting us stay at your house! It is so cute! Thanks Wendi for letting me ride up with you. It was good to catch up with everything that you are up to. And Thanks Jodi for all your hospitality. You are all amazing. I have the best sisters ever!