Friday, October 31, 2008

No Leonardo, but pretty good!

On Monday night for f.h.e. brandon and jenn came over for some good old pumpkin carving. 
We had a lot of fun. I know the boys were trying to avoid it. They went out shooting before and I thought they weren't going to come back until it was too late! But they did and it was a lot of fun.
Jenn's, Brandon's, Patrick's, and Heidi's pumpkins in that order.

Yes this is the smoking pumpkin. Patrick and Brandon are so funny. When the air freshener through the pumpkin didn't work, Patrick decided to try to light it on fire which as you can see, didn't work out so well either!

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

Our pumpkins are already old and moldy and don't look at all like what we carved. We are going to have to throw them away before it's trick-or-treating time. . .