Monday, February 2, 2009

Too Old


I don't know about Patrick, but I am getting really pretty old! 
Jenn and Brandon came over this past weekend, 
they brought a yummy dinner and we played some games.
We were having So much fun we didn't realize what time it was.
Almost 2:00 in the morning. I am still so tired.
We did have a lot of fun though. We played Pictionary Man and Chicken Foot.
Thanks Jenn & Brandon for being so willing to drive out to B.F.E. so we can put GK to bed and not have to worry about a babysitter. I think he'd fall asleep fine at your house though. You guys are the Best friends anyone could ask for!
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1 comment:

The Barkers said...

Wow. The last time I was up that late was because I was in labor. You must not be too old to be able to physically stay up! I can't get much past 10:30 these days.