Sunday, June 14, 2009


G.K. took his first step on Thursday, June 4th! He still isn't a "walker" but he walks more everyday and he is getting more confidence. He's had a few falls and I am not ready for him to be walking so we aren't pushing him too much. It is so fun to watch him learn and grow.
But the big story is Boston turned 1!! He is so handsome and such a sweetie!He was sharing his birthday cake with G.K. And G.K. got to meet Avery and he absolutely Loved her! She is such a doll. She has the cutest poses. G.K. always wanted to be touching her and he wanted to play with whatever she had. They kept fighting over the water bottles. It was so fun to have them all together, they are so close in age! G.K. is the bald one. I can't believe how much hair both Boston and Avery have. They are adorable!
We had a really yummy dinner and we went swimming (Thank Heavens the weather cooperated with us so we could swim!) Boston got a lot of really cool presents! G.K. loved this blue tunnel. He kept going back and forth through it with the biggest Grin on his face! We had such a good time! It was G.K.'s first friend party and we had so much fun, we will definitely have to play some more!
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