Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We usually don't celebrate Valentine's Day, our Anniversary was just 2 weeks ago and it seems a little much, for us anyway. One time we tried to go on a date to a nice restaurant and we almost got jumped in the parking lot over a parking space, so we just chill at home. This year seemed a little different, I'm sure it was because of GK. I made a conversation heart topiary, and the Be Mine sign. I really wanted some sugar cookies even though Patrick won't eat any, so I ate them all! We had tiny heart shaped waffles and our toast was in little hearts. It was fun to put a twist on everything. We had crab legs for dinner and played at the park for a little bit. It was a fun day, I'm glad I have such wonderful Valentine's!
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Brandon has a few guys at his work that play on a soccer league and Brandon has sponsored them, this year they put Patrick and Brandon on the roster. Patrick has never played soccer (I played for a long time but that's another story!) nor has he been a huge fan.. But this indoor soccer has him hooked! The games are only 34 minutes and there is no out of bounds so the games really move pretty fast. We sat by a guy from different team and they thought Patrick & Brandon were ringers!! They really do a good job, they are just as good as some of the other guys on the team.
The guys that Brandon work with are really nice and their wives are so friendly! They always invite us to parties and to church it makes it hard to go sometimes because we don't speak any spanish. Brandon is a good translator though. Their babies are just about the cutest in the whole wide world! The games were a little late, the first one was at 11:20p.m. and the second at 11:50p.m. They had no break in between games. We got home around 2:00 a.m. I am too old for this I think. They won the first week but lost both the games last week (both games were really close though!). It is really fun to watch, I am glad Patrick's liking it and that they let him play!

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Drum-Roll Please!

I wish I had scanned this, it probably would have turned out better, but the top is a profile picture, and the bottom is a between the legs shot! We are so excited. I have to say Patrick and his Mom knew it was a girl, I had dreams it would be but I really thought it was a boy. We couldn't be happier!
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Super Bowl!!

We were invited (I think we invited ourselves ;0) to Brandon's parents' super bowl party! It was so much fun. GK had endless entertainment with: a different dog (thanks Annie!) 2 other kids to play with (thanks Boston & Avery) and a plethora of new toys plus an awesome slide!!
Patrick and I had an equal amount of entertainment. The Super Bowl was Super, even though Patrick was rooting for the Colts.. Randy had some really fun games with prizes!! Not to mention all the food! I think I am still full!! Brandon has a really fun family.
Thanks again Randy & Debbie!

Patrick's Belated Birthday!

So Patrick had the most amazing birthday ever, but he is the princess of his family so he had a big birthday party!! We all love Patrick's birthday because he gives everyone a present... Not the gift of knowing him, he really finds a present for everyone who comes! It may just be a cheesey poster from all a dollar but it is so much fun! We all love you Patrick!! Oh the cast is on Patrick's Mom's leg. As Patrick would say.. "It sure sucks getting old!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hale & Hockey

Last Saturday Patrick and I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest at Hale Center Theatre. I loved it.. Patrick stayed awake so I thought it was a success!
On Monday Patrick wanted to redeem the evening I think because he got us tickets for the Grizzly game. It was a really good game and we had awesome seats! Gary Coleman threw the puck and we got there just in time to see it. He is very petite! There was a fight that happened right in front of us, probably the best hockey fight I've ever seen. Gk would dance to all the songs, it was so cute! When he started trying to drink our neighbors beers we got him a churro and some sprite=).