Thursday, September 16, 2010


Bentley was blessed (I should say we are blessed, she is such a good baby!) on Sunday the 12th. Patrick gave a great blessing. He was sure to put in there that I named her, not us but I'll take it. The chapel was packed, I wish we all got to sit together. We had a lot of family there and it was fun to hang out. After church we went to Flat Iron Mesa for a pot luck. It was so yummy! Bentley had her first taste of ice cream and she LoVeD iT!! I really like that tradition. So thank you everyone that came, and we missed those that couldn't! Posted by Picasa


My Father-In-Law's work had a carnival one day. It was a lot of fun. We didn't stay for very long and my camera died after the bull riding. I was disappointed that Patrick didn't try it out!
Since we didn't get enough of a carnival we went to the Utah State Fair. It was a really nice night. I don't think we were in the right mood for a fair though. Everything seemed really stinky... For some reason we were antsy to get out of there. I just don't think the fair spoke to us this year... We'll try again in a few years I'm sure!
The cotton candy was amazing though! For me it was a win!

The house

The house is sure coming along! This was after they poured the footings and prepping for the foundation. Gk loves going out to the house. He is obsessed with these snorts!

Just had to add some of these ;D
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Bean a while...

It seems like a really long time ago....
My mom and I took Gk & D'Ohgee on a hike. It was a really nice walk but really slow! We had a nice treat of blackberries on the way!
We also celebrated Brandon's birthday! I just love birthdays!
We visited McKinnah in the hospital. (I so wish I had taken pictures, she looked SO cute!) And we celebrated Brandon's birthday more!
I love getting the kids ready for church, there is like 2 minutes when they haven't gotten all messy yet. Gk still loves Bentley, I love that he is trying to give her a kiss!
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ground Breaking!

We had our Ground breaking ceremony on September 1st! We are so excited! We went to help Patrick lay out the lot too. I wanted to have some martinelli's in wine glasses but I guess we'll have to wait until we close. Good thing we have a pretty amazing builder to take care of everything. Love ya honey!
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The Zoo

We made it to the zoo, and Gk's favorite animal was the construction workers operating the tractors & dump trucks. It was pretty funny to have people come up to see what we are looking at just to find construction. I guess when you have a little monkey around all the time they wouldn't be as exciting!
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G Village

A few weeks ago I took the kids to Gardner Village for GK to ride the ponies. It was a rainy day though and I didn't see any ponies. So we went to the candy store on the door it said "Unattended children will receive a puppy and an espresso!" I thought that was pretty cute! It was a perfect day for taking pictures... too bad Gk had to get the blue sucker.
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Some days these boys can destroy as much as a dinosaur. We went to the museum and had a blast!
They were of course too busy to pose for any pictures, but I tried anyway.
We were there. Dyllan took this picture for us. He is such a sweetie!
After we went to the Peppermint Place to get some gelato! It was a way fun day.
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