Thursday, September 16, 2010


Bentley was blessed (I should say we are blessed, she is such a good baby!) on Sunday the 12th. Patrick gave a great blessing. He was sure to put in there that I named her, not us but I'll take it. The chapel was packed, I wish we all got to sit together. We had a lot of family there and it was fun to hang out. After church we went to Flat Iron Mesa for a pot luck. It was so yummy! Bentley had her first taste of ice cream and she LoVeD iT!! I really like that tradition. So thank you everyone that came, and we missed those that couldn't! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Juli said...

Awwwwwwh. She is getting cuter and cuter every day! Tell her that her Aunt is LAME for not making it over for the big day...looks like everyone had fun! Give her big smooches for us!!!