Monday, September 17, 2007

Logan & The Fair

On Friday, Jenn andi went up to Logan so I could run the Top Of Utah Marathon! I was so happy that Jenn could go, Patrick and Brandon were both out on a "boys night" anyway, but I was so happy that Jenn could go. I had my own Cache Valley Tour Guide. She knew the best places to eat and the best places to shop! We had a ton of fun. We even saw my nephew Colby on his 15th Birthday and Jenn's cousin who just got back from her mission to Argentina. The highlight for me was lunch with her parents and a shake at Casper's!

When we got back from Logan we went to the Classy Utah Fair. It was way fun and Patrick didn't get stabbed. He did have a foot long corndog, I got my cotton candy I had been craving, and Brandon and Patrick shared a Funnel Cake (aren't they cute)! We rode the kids big slide, then the Fun Haus, then we rode the adults big yellow slide and it was way fun. Brandon won on all the rides, but he cheates!

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Wasatch 100

Every summer my Dad and Mom have helped out at the Wasatch 100. It is a race from Kaysville to Midway all through the mountains.
My Dad operates the ham radio at Aunt Knolls which is at mile 80.2. I went to help aid the runners. We fill them up on water or give them some Ramen noodle soup.

We stay up all night because runners are coming in all night. It gets busy from about 3:30 to 8:00. It is a lot of work, they keep a pretty close eye on the runners, the trail isn't easy most of them take a tumble or two
This is the view of the aid station from where I camped, my mom helped me set up my tent (even though I never used it). It is a really bad road to get up here. There is 8 miles of dirt road that takes about 90 minutes. I am proud to say I drove up all by myself!

I got the opportunity to help "pace" a guy just to the next aid station, which is only 3 miles away. His name was Phil and he is from Wisconsin. I think he entertained me more than I helped him. I wish I could have gone he whole way but it was neat to see what they go through, well about 1/33 anyway!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bear Lake

Over Labor Day Weekend we met up with Brandon & Jenn Shawn T.J. & Kim. We had so much fun, we wished we could have been there longer! It was really hot and the water was pretty warm. We rented jet skis and everyone had a great time on them!

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