Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We had a fun Christmas! On Christmas Eve we enjoyed the annual Astle Family party. I wish we got to see everyone more. Twice a year just isn't enough and it is so short you don't get a chance to talk to everyone. But we had a lot of fun! Uncle Reynold read Tommy's prayer (a tradition) and the pinata was a blast. GK got some candy and he hit it all by himdself!
Christmas morning was so fun! The kids got spoiled rotten. I just love that Santa!
Bentley & Gk looked so cute in their little Christmas outfits we took way too many pictures!
Breakfast (lunch) was so good. I ate WAY too much! We always have fin & hattie, eggs, christmas slush, muffins, I'm sure there is some other meats but I don't know what they are! It was a really fun day! I can't wait for next year!
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6 Months!

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Some Cute kids and a Dog that Thinks She is a Kid!

We jsut can't believe how big Jennah is getting. We are so so happy to have her in our lives.
I didn't flip the pictures and I was too lazy to worry about it, sorry. This was jsut after church one day. I can't get enough pictures of Bentley! She is growing and changing so much!
This Dog has been worth her weight in gold... and that's a lot! Gk lovese her so much. Nobody can make him laugh like she can. The other night he was chasing her around and D'Ohgee kind of got after him. Patrick & I didn't think anything of it.. Gk cam up to me and held up his finder that was black and said POO! I almost threw up! It was super gross! I don't know how she puts up with him. Maybe it's all the food he gives her...
And yes, Bentley Loves D'Ohgee too. She just wants to eat her up which is pretty gross. That dog needs a bath in a bad way!
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Looks Like Christmas!

We had a great time eating up our gingerbread house. I'm sad to say it didn't last as long as they usually do... We'll be better next year. During all the unpacking it was fun to take some time out. We've been working on potty training, and some days are really good! :) Bentley is getting so big and is more & more fun all the time. ... She sure found her tongue!
Jenn & I took the kids to the Festival of the Trees. Jennah missed the whole thing but Bentley loved the lights, I thought for sure she'd fall asleep but No Way! It was a lot faster with out the boys.
We picked up a real live Christmas tree this year. It's been a long time since we've had one. It was a lot of fun, GK loved it. It made the house smell really good too, but of a mess but I think we have a new Christmas tradition!
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Lasy week of November..

Bentley turned 5 months old!
We had a great Thanksgiving dinner
We moved into our new house!
We had our annual gingerbread house making. My sister does so much and we always have so much fun.
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