These past few weeks have been a little crazy for me, I signed up for a C.N.A. class because I have to have it turned in 4 months before I can begin the Nursing program at S.L.C.C. I decided it would be easier to get done now rather than wait so all month I've been going up to Murray/Holiday to take my class. It has been really fun, I have had lots of help from Patrick, Brandon, Jenn, Lyndsey, Michelle, and my Mom. Even Patrick's parents have helped us out a few times. It's been crazy but I'm glad I did it now. Anyways I was looking through some pics and thought I would blog about some!
A few weeks ago we had Jenn and Brandon over for dinner. I think we cooked some ribs but all I remember were the S'mores. I love that it is SpRiNg and it is getting close to SuMmEr!! GK was really into the whole S'more thing. He was a little messy so Jenn was giving him a hand. I love how big he opens his mouth!
One day I took GK to the park and didn't strap him into the stroller and he lunged out of his seat. He had the biggest scabs on his head but he seemed okay so we went to the Peppermint Place and then had a picnic right next to a park. I didn't see the park until we were driving away.
We have been loving the nice weather and can't wait until it is a little more consistent.