Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So Close!

We've been having so much fun working on the house. It's a little easier for us to hang out there now that the railing and carpet are installed. I don't feel like we're just "in the way" anymore. We've had so much help with getting it ready. So many people have come to help us, we'll have to have a huge party once we are all moved in. Our final inspection is today! Our fingers are crossed we can move in this long weekend!
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Hair & Harry

Yes, I did it! I finally cut Gk's hair. Sometimes it was really cute and curly and other times it looked really awful. Patrick didn't want me to cut it I have to say. Gk looks like such a big boy! He did good for it being his first cut. He just wanted to watch the movie and have the girl leave him alone but once they gave him some bubbles to blow he kept his hands down. He is so handsome!

My friend Teena let me tag along with her to go see the new Harry Potter movie. We had planned on seeing the midnight show but she got tickets to a private screening and let me come too. It was so fun to get out and hang out with friends! It seemed like it had been a long time since I'd been anywhere without the kids. Oh, and I loved the movie, I wish I had re-read it before but I'll hopefully get them all read before the last one comes out!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Bentley is getting SO big. She is such a cute little thing. I couldn't have asked for a happier, or more easy going baby! We just love her to pieces!
Gk too is just growing up too fast. He watches everything I do, and wants to do it himself. Like wearing make-up! I think he is better at it than I am.
Our little Jennah turned 1 month old on November 10th. She is growing and changing so much all the time. I wish I got to see her everyday! She is so sweet, we just love her.
This was the first time GK & Bentley really got to see Jennah. Gk was so cute just watching and pretty good at keeping at a distance. Bentley on the other hand wanted to roll right onto her. I think they'll be good friends anyway!
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Always catching up.

On the 5th of November Paxton & McKell got baptized! It was such a nice day. They were so lucky to be baptized by their brother Carson (Who did a great job!) It was so fun to hang out with the family and to see lots of friends from our old ward.

I'm glad we got in one last warm trip to the zoo. It was such a nice day.
Every day you can find Patrick working on the house. If we want to see him then we head out there to be with him. We are so lucky to have lots of helpers too!
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh, Potter!

"It is our choices, Harry, that show who you truly are, far more than our abilities."
I just can't wait to see the new 'Arry Potter movie!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pumpkins & Halloween

We stole Patrick's lunch break and made him come pick out a pumpkin for the kids. It was so fun to spend some time with him, even if it was short!

On Halloween night we had to stop by Jenn & Brandon's house. I got to see Jennah but my pics didn't turn out. :( It was fun to see them. They looked like they were having lots of fun. We got to see Rob & Kelsie and their girls and Debbie, Greg, Cheryl, Boston, & Avery. I hope Jenn & Brandon's family doesn't mind us always crashing everything!
We went to Adam & Lyndsey's house for trick or treating. Gk Loved his sloppy Joe' before. He was SO cute running around with his little bat wings just a flappin'. Michelle was SO sweet and helped him around while I took Bentley out (what was I thinking...Candy!) It was so much fun!
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We've loved Halloween. Gk really likes the "Mean Old Witch" song. He'd ask me to sing it over & over. He's also been super jumpy lately. He wants to jump on & off everything. I really want to take him to Jump On It, where the whole room is full of trampolines.
We did our carving of the pumpkins. We missed Patrick & Brandon & Jenn but my mom was there to help with Gk. Gk was so cute, he really loves Bentley. It's amazing how natural it is for kids to have siblings (I was really worried, serious anxiety for nothing!) He kept giving her kiss after kiss. Sometimes it looked like he was going to eat her up!
My favorite are of course the pumpkin seeds! :0
Bentley had a lot of costumes to wear! It was fun to dress her up as something different everyday. (Thanks again Juli!)
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We just love our little Jennah! I want to go see her every single day but we've been trying really hard to keep our distance when the kids are sick. But whenever we get a chance we are there. Jenn's gonna be so sick of us, but she knows she can tell us to leave!
Isn't she gorgeous! Love. Posted by Picasa

Just the 3 of us

These kids are getting SO big. Everyday I am amazed at how big and healthy they are. We are so blessed! /they really just melt my heart. Bentley laughs so hard & loud, it is the cutest thing!

We miss Patrick a lot, but we are very grateful for all the work he is putting in on our house. I know he loves it, he is having a great time and it is coming along SO fast!
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