Friday January 28th was our 11 year anniversary. Wow! I can't believe it's been that long... I guess time really does go faster when you are having fun. He is so much fun to be with. He makes me laugh every single day, and more importantly at myself! He is such a good Dad. I love that he puts Gk down to sleep at night so I can have some time to myself. I really am so lucky to have him! I still feel marrying Patrick was the best choice I ever made.
Friday was such a nice day the kids and I wen
t to the park. It was so nice to get outside. (I definitley have the summer time blues.) Gk & Bentley both loved getting some fresh air and getting our wiggles out at the park. Gk loved the slide and Bentley got to try out the swing!
I thought Patrick was going to be working on a side job that night but he surprised me with dinner at Market Street. The food was so good and it was so nice to have Patrick all to myself for a couple of hours.So Patrick had to do his side job on Saturday, the kids and I went to the zoo. It was a blast! A little cold and we didn't last a real long time but it was fun to go out and play some more.