Monday, June 23, 2008

Chalk Festival

Last weekend we went with Jenn and Brandon to the Farmers Market and the Sidewalk chalk festival. The Farmers Market was really fun there were a lot of venders and a lot of people, it was starting to get hot so we went to the Gateway for the Chalk Festival. Now I have never been to one of these before, the artists were so dirty! I couldn't believe it. It is amazing what people can do with chalk. 

After the Chalk festival we went to the Demolition Derby. I had so much fun, I had never been before so it was pretty awesome. I was glad Jenn was there to help explain things to me. She is a Wiz with demolition derby info. We had a really good time but I forgot my camera but Jenn has some cute pics on her blog so check them out! (Thanks for the cotton candy!)

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

You got good pictures of the chalk art. . .all of mine are sideways or cutting off half of it--I should have just got copies from you. I love the Chalk Festival. Let's go again next year!