Tuesday, October 27, 2009

15 Months

GK us 15 months now and I don't know where the time has gone! Some things he likes right now are... Eating (anything!!), light-switches, D'Ohgee, push toys, spinning, jumping, swinging, slides, turning the t.v. on and off, driving, ringing the doorbell, getting into drawers and cupboards, and helping especially vacuuming and sweeping.
This is before church on Sunday. He looked so handsome!! Thanks Juli for the outfit!
I had taken some pictures of my friends little girl Claire and got a few cute ones of GK too!

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Jenn and Brandon said...

GK is so darn cute! Super cute pictures!

Juli said...

Jackson saw that 1st pic of GK and wouldn't believe me that it was G.K.... "That's ME Mom..That's our carptet...and our floor.....see.. and I have NO HAIR! It's NOT G.K.!!!!".. haa ha ha ha ha. I just let it go. ;)

ADORABLE pic's!!