Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jenn's Birthday!

Jenn's Big Day was on Sunday!! Wahoo! I just LoVe Birthdays. We celebrated on Saturday by playing with Jenn's new Cricut! They are SO fun! Then we went shopping up in Park City, there wasn't a whole ton. I think the stores are waiting until black Friday to have the killer sales. Jenn did get a really cute shirt at Banana Republic. We then headed to Alberto's which Jenn always talks about. She loves this place and I totally see why. They are downtown, really clean, yummy mexican food. In Jenn's hand in the picture she is holding pepper spray! After we went to our house to watch Star Trek, which Jenn, GK, and I all slept through but the guys really liked it. Thanks for letting us share in your birthday bash Jenn! I still think we should have gone to Vegas though!

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

Thanks for making my birthday so fun! I loved it! But you could have at least photo shopped the picture of GK so you couldn't see how dirty my floor is...I promise I'll clean tomorrow.