Thursday, October 23, 2008

You're It

8 Fav T.V. Shows
1. M*A*S*H
2. The Office
3. Rob & Big
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. So You Think You Can Dance Dance Dance
7. The Real World (& Real World / Road Rules Challenge)
8. E.R. (I'm sad it's the last season)

8 Fav Restuarants
1. Cafe Rio
2. Casper's
3. Olive Garden
4. Paradise Cafe
5. Rumbi's 
6. Morelia's
7. The Noodle Co. 
8. The Cheesecake Factory

8 Things that Happened Yesterday
1. Slept in (HAHA)
2. Got my wedding ring cleaned & inspected
3. Didn't buy anything in the mall (a shocker)
4. When to my Mom's enrichment and had fun I should probably go to mine!
5. Got to take a shower
6. Saw all the cute puppies and birds in the pet store
7. G.K. only cried on his way home
8. I went through G.K.'s clothes to get out the 3-6 months sad huh!

8 Things I look forward to
1. Running my next marathon
2. Halloween 
3. Thanksgiving ( and Shopping after Thanksgiving )
4. Christmas
5. G.K.'s first laugh 
6. G.K. crawling
7. Breakfast on Sunday
8. Summer

8 Things I Love about Fall
1. Comfort foods
2. Hoodies and Sweaters
3. Hooker boots
4. Chilly mornings
5. Fires in the fireplace
6. Baking
7. Snow in the mountains
8. Better t.v. 

8 Things on my wish list
1. Travel
2. Finish School
3. Patrick finish school
4. Pay the house off
5. Wallpaper tasted like candy
6. A never ending gobstopper
7. A river of chocolate
8. Pretty much the whole chocolate factory

8 People I tag
1. You 
2. Kami
3. Kamille
4. Juli
5. Mom
6. Lyndsey
7. Val
8. Carina

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