On Wednesday Dave and I decided to run up the Quarry trail up Little Cottonwood Canyon. I think that this is my fav. of all the canyons! I really like this trail but we couldn't go all the way because the water was so high it covered the trail and we had lunch plans. (we went to Gossip and it was really yummy, I highly recommend it!)
On Thursday Dave Really Really wanted to hike Mt. Olympus. He needed someone to hike with him and take his picture on top of the mountain so I agreed to go and again I have to thank my Mom for watching G.K. so I could go. It was the perfect day. We started at about 7:00 in the morning and got to the top about 9:30. I think I really learned a lot about myself during this hike. For example I forget about things that are in the past (probably too easily). Like how steep it is. If you ask me about this hike I will tell you how beautiful it is and that you really should hike it. I forget how steep it is. On the way down my knees were tired really fast and I didn't remember ever going up so much. About half way down we realized we lost the camera and had to hike back up for about an hour. We did find it and we were SO happy, and I got a refresher on how steep it was. I don't think I have ever been so tired after a hike (but I probably wouldn't remember:) We are so lucky to live in such a great area with so many amazing places around each corner. Patrick has been helping his boss with some landscaping for the past 2 weeks. He works and sacrifices so much for G.K. and I. He has been out until 9:30 or 10:00 every night working. I feel guilty for all the playing I've got to do.. But I am so grateful. I think if Dave wasn't here I would have gone CrAzY missing Patrick so much! Thanks for the distractions Dave!
Getting started
On our way up. (If you have ever hiked with anyone in my family it seems like we take pictures as our "breaks" instead of saying we are tired we say, "Oh look how pretty this is, let me take your picture!")
These were at the Top! It really was gorgeous!