Since we are going to be building a new house we spent a lot of time going through the Parade of Homes. We saw a lot of things that are way out of our budget and what all the trends are this year. One of the town houses (there were a lot this year) had a little play house with the tea set. GK had so much fun playing! He didn't want to leave.

I just love this time of year. We have been playing non-stop! Last week my Mom's work had a party for everyone's family. My Dad did the cooking so of course we went! The dutch oven food was SO good. Juli came too with her kids and Gk was in heaven, Kaycee & Jackson are so sweet with Gk.
Last Thursday we went to the zoo with Juli before they headed back to Wyoming. We got to the zoo after they had already seen all the animals and I'm glad they did, right when we got there it started POURING rain. It was really fun to watch, but we decided to go get some lunch instead. When we got home Gk got stung by a bee on his ear. I felt so bad, his ear swelled up really big but it went down fast. I was glad I didn't have to dig out the stinger.

Lyndsey's nephew passed away in January, he had leukemia. We are going to do a race and raise some money for leukemia. To get started Lyndsey had Dyllan did a lemonade stand where all the money goes to the cause,we all had fun helping out. She might do a yard sale too.
We went up to Snowbird last Friday night. Next year I want to go star gazing up there. You ride up the tram and someone tells you about the constellations. GK had a lot of fun, he got to jump on the trampolines!

Patrick took us to Yuba lake. I had never been there before and I don't think I'd believe it was there if I hadn't seen it. There were sandy beaches for digging/burying (Patrick), seagulls for chasing (Gk), and the sun for laying out in(Bentley & I)!It was a really pretty day until the wind started to blow so we headed home and...
decided to ride the trax to Salt Lake. I've ben wanting to take Gk for a ride. It was so fun. He was a little scared but it was nice to be able to hold him. He really liked people watching but he wasn't very discreet!
In the bottom left picture both Patrick & Gk look so tired! Gk was saying "sleepy," which he's never admitted to.