Friday, May 27, 2011


For Mother's Day Patrick got me tickets to the u2 concert. We both really like the band, but Patrick isn't really a concert guy. So it was really nice of him get me the tickets. We were so worried about getting there on time, yeah they didn't start until 9:00! The Fray started before and they were really good, but we were really just there to see u2!

The stage was amazing as was the band. I loved every second! Patrick is so cute, I think it was a little too loud for him but I think it needs to be because every one is singing along and I'd be upset if all I could hear was the crowd.
Oh Thanks Jenn & Brandon for watching the kids! Don't know what we'd do without you guys!Posted by Picasa

15, 11, & some bread!

Patrick's right hand man at work is Arnold. He's a super nice guy and his daughter had her quincinera on Saturday. It was SO nice. They had it at the Fair Grounds and I heard the food was amazing and the band was really good, it was pretty loud. We weren't staying long. We went to dinner at Biaggi's at the Gateway, So yummy!
On Monday Bentley turned 11 Months. I can't believe she is going to be 1 so soon! She is such a happy fun baby! I can't believe how much she is walking. She tries to talk, it sounds like she days hi all the time. She definitely has some of GK's personality. She loves to take things out, it doesn't matter what. If she's making a mess she's happy! We just love her to pieces!
This is some bread I had left out over night and forgot to put away so it was really stale.. apparently that's how GK likes his bread. Usually he won't eat bread he just picks off the goods and eats them. Glad I know now!
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Ogden Marathon

I have been trying for a while to get into the Ogden Marathon. It is such a pretty course and it sells out really fast. I finally got in this year and I have been so excited.
My Mom helped me take the kids on the front-runner up to Ogden to the expo to pick up my packet. It was a really fun trip.
At the expo I got my leg taped for my "shin splints" and we got ice cream that is made by a tractor (which was really yummy)! We also got lunch at this cute little shop in the middle of the train stop in Ogden. It was really good too!
The race was okay, I hadn't run in 2 weeks because of my left leg. I had caught a cold the day before so I was really achey. I didn't take my watch. My ipod didn't work. I thought they'd have shot blocks but they had shot gu's. It was a really hard race for me mentally but I'm so glad I got in and I'm so glad that I finished. My time was 4:35 (could have been a lot worse!)
My sweet parents came out to see me finish. I'm so glad they did. I don't know what I'd do without them! Thanks Mom & Dad!!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Months, Mother's Day & Stuff

Bentley turned 10 Months almost a month ago. She is such a fun easy girl. She loves Food she loves Gk she loves to stand and walk and be independent. She really likes crawling up the stairs! She has my love of ice cream and she loves to laugh and make others laugh. Anytime she sees a tummy she'll put her open mouth on it (like she's giving raspberries) and look up and smile really big. It is so cute! I love this little girl SO much!
On Mother's Day I woke up to Patrick grinding wheat to make me whole wheat waffles. I really liked them too but he wasn't a big fan. It was such a wonderful day. Patrick & the kids really spoiled me! I love being a mom!
Here are just some random pics that I've had. These kids are getting too big.
Bentley loves to walk behind things. She walked behind this tricycle for the longest time in a circle. It was pretty funny! Gk's favorite thing lately is squirting. He will be outside and play so good, the dog is usually soaking wet but I'm sure she loves it too!

Happy Easter!

It has been so long since I've posted anything. I had lost my camera, then found it but lost my pictures but my Uncle Randal helped me find them and I'm just getting around to it.
So for F.H.E. one night we colored easter eggs. It was a super big mess! But it was pretty fun!
On the Saturday before Easter we went to the Bluffdale City Easter Egg hunt. It was really fun, I love that they look for the eggs in the weeds and bru
sh. Lyndsey & Michelle were there with their families and Vickie was also there to help. Gk only got 3 eggs but he still had a blast!
Gk has a crazy obsession riding his bike through out the house (drives the dog crazy!!) he rode it into the kitchen to find what the Easter bunny brought him! He loved the candy and his gun. Weird how he didn't care about his new Easter outfit.
Bentley was all smiles, she got her first taste of a cadbury egg. I do think she liked it! Patrick was a good sport. The Easter bunny didn't forget him.
We went to my parents house before church. We got to have some carrot cake with Wendi & her family. My Mom wasn't there, she was teaching a lesson for another ward. I still feel bad we missed her.
We made it to church for sacrament but we didn't even last the whole hour. Gk was so hopped up on sugar, we didn't think it would be good to tie him down at church :)
We went to Michelle's house for our Easter egg hunt. She has such a nice yard and some really good hiding places!
McKell cleaned house. She found the most money. All the kids got tons of candy and we had a delicious dinner. Gk was obsessed with the cats. I found him with his hands around its neck lying on top of it. Poor animals, we have a Lennny!
Happy Easter!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Family!

Oh how we all love this little family. We were so happy to be able to be a part of Jennah's day. I know she won't remember a thing but I know she'll remember that SO many people that love her like crazy!! The whole day was absolutely perfect. Jennah was an angel at the temple. It was so lovely to see all the people that care so much for this little angel. After there was a really nice blessing and dinner. The blessing was beautiful, I've never seen such a big circle. I thought for sure Brandon was going to say the blessing in spanish! It was just a great day. I was supposed to take pictures at the dinner and I totally failed. There were just so many people to chat with I'm sorry Jenn.
With this being so close to Mother's Day I just have to give a shout out to McKinnah! She is such an amazing woman. I can't put myself in her shoes. I know she's had a hard journey and I know that it will probably continue to be hard. High school can be tough. But I hope that she knows that she is the mother of all mothers. To give such a gift to someone else shows that she truly put Jennah before herself.. and that's what mother's do! I'm sure she know this but I'm sure she has hard days. So Kin, We love you!

What's Happening!

We went to the Aquarium. I love that place! Bentley loved being able to play on the little play ground area. They have sure added a lot on to it since we'd been there last time.

Gk and Bentley have been so cute on their little bikes. Benltey just can't wait to be able to ride a bike like her big brother. She little 4-wheeler is perfect for her, sometimes she even pushes the button all on her own. She tries to ride it side saddle. Gk is really sweet most the time about letting Bentley play with his bikes!
Jenn Brandon and Jennah came by to watch a show. I wish I remembered what it was... Probably Modern Family! But these two little girls are getting so big!
Softball season is here!! I have actually hit the ball a few times and even made it on base and scored a point! I really need some practice with everything but it's a lot of fun! I'm so happy it's warmed up a bit. The first few games were freezing and once we took the kids and GK was playing in the other teams dug out the whole time... Naughty!
We have been outside every single chance we can get!
There's a sand pile by our house and sometimes it's used as a reward for going poop in the potty. GK loves to play on it. He pretends he's Buzz Lightyear and jumps off the top saying "to infiniti and beyond" and slides down on his tummy. And we've all gone for a few motorcycle rides (except Bentley of course). Patrick's motorcycle is so much fun. GK gets a little scared and says he has to go potty when he's on it.
And I finished my Patho Physiology class! YAY!!