It has been so long since I've posted anything. I had lost my camera, then found it but lost my pictures but my Uncle Randal helped me find them and I'm just getting around to it.
So for F.H.E. one night we colored easter eggs. It was a super big mess! But it was pretty fun!

On the Saturday before Easter we went to the Bluffdale City Easter Egg hunt. It was really fun, I love that they look for the eggs in the weeds and bru
sh. Lyndsey & Michelle were there with their families and Vickie was also there to help. Gk only got 3 eggs but he still had a blast!

Gk has a crazy obsession riding his bike through out the house (drives the dog crazy!!) he rode it into the kitchen to find what the Easter bunny brought him! He loved the candy and his gun. Weird how he didn't care about his new Easter outfit.

Bentley was all smiles, she got her first taste of a cadbury egg. I do think she liked it! Patrick was a good sport. The Easter bunny didn't forget him.

We went to my parents house before church. We got to have some carrot cake with Wendi & her family. My Mom wasn't there, she was teaching a lesson for another ward. I still feel bad we missed her.
We went to Michelle's house for our Easter egg hunt. She has such a nice yard and some really good hiding places!

McKell cleaned house. She found the most money. All the kids got tons of candy and we had a delicious dinner. Gk was obsessed with the cats. I found him with his hands around its neck lying on top of it. Poor animals, we have a Lennny!
Happy Easter!