Friday, May 27, 2011

15, 11, & some bread!

Patrick's right hand man at work is Arnold. He's a super nice guy and his daughter had her quincinera on Saturday. It was SO nice. They had it at the Fair Grounds and I heard the food was amazing and the band was really good, it was pretty loud. We weren't staying long. We went to dinner at Biaggi's at the Gateway, So yummy!
On Monday Bentley turned 11 Months. I can't believe she is going to be 1 so soon! She is such a happy fun baby! I can't believe how much she is walking. She tries to talk, it sounds like she days hi all the time. She definitely has some of GK's personality. She loves to take things out, it doesn't matter what. If she's making a mess she's happy! We just love her to pieces!
This is some bread I had left out over night and forgot to put away so it was really stale.. apparently that's how GK likes his bread. Usually he won't eat bread he just picks off the goods and eats them. Glad I know now!
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