Friday, May 27, 2011


For Mother's Day Patrick got me tickets to the u2 concert. We both really like the band, but Patrick isn't really a concert guy. So it was really nice of him get me the tickets. We were so worried about getting there on time, yeah they didn't start until 9:00! The Fray started before and they were really good, but we were really just there to see u2!

The stage was amazing as was the band. I loved every second! Patrick is so cute, I think it was a little too loud for him but I think it needs to be because every one is singing along and I'd be upset if all I could hear was the crowd.
Oh Thanks Jenn & Brandon for watching the kids! Don't know what we'd do without you guys!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

Wow! Blogaholic! You've had a lot going on! I can't believe Bentley is going to be a year already! She's such a cutie-pie. And we would love to babysit your kids anytime!