Sunday, August 3, 2008


Here is Garrison asleep in his bassinet. He loves to keep his hands up by his face or covering it!
Patrick left his wedding ring in the bathroom, I think this will show how little his hands are. They actually are pretty big for his little body. He is pretty good at holding things. Often he'll hold in his binky.
Here he is holding onto my thumb. He is so sweet.

Our son seems to change every day! 
It is so fun to watch him grow. 
His little tummy is starting to fill out.
He sometimes has a double chin. 
He sleeps and eats very well, most of the time.
Every day just seems to fly by.
Sometimes he will smile at us but I think he just has gas.
I don't want him to get bigger, he is the sweetest baby.
He loves to snuggle and be held.
He makes a face that looks like a monkey, I'm trying to catch a picture of it but I just can't seem to get one.
We love our little boy!


The Barkers said...

Wow Heidi. He is so tiny! I have a friend who took a picture of her infant next to a stuffed animal. She did this with each of her kids the same stuffed animal. It's really neat to look at all 3 of them now and compare them to the same thing. You're taking such fun pictures. What a fun way to remember this because he will grow so fast!

Bethie said...

those pictures are amazing!! ilove the picture of him holding your finger:) I love when babies do that.