Saturday, June 25, 2011

Look Who's 1!!

I really can't believe that my little Bentley is one year old! She has grown up so much but it has gone by SO fast! It is so amazing. It has been such a busy year, I've loved every single moment with this girl! Patrick stopped by on his way to a meeting and got her out of bed! I think she would have been happy with just that.
We let her take a nap then on with the show! We planned on going to Raging Waters/7 Peaks but Scott was in the hospital, he'd had some heart problems and we wanted to go see him and be around in case anything happened. (It's really hard to keep my phone on me at the water part!) We went to see him and he looked really good. I didn't take any pictures though. We got to see Grandma Pat, another highlight of the day!
After the hospital we wanted to play so we went to Garnder Village because they have yummy treats and I wanted to take some pictures of the kids. They were pretty funny, they wouldn't hold still for 2 seconds... they might have been on a sugar high~
Then we let Bentley nap again. I really tried to give GK some extra attention while Bentley was napping. It was getting harder and harder for him to let his little sister get all the attention. We had Jennah over for a spaghetti dinner (which they brought half of!) and cake and ice cream. Gk helped Bentley open her presents. I think he was a little disappointed. But he still had fun!
I always like to make the cake but I really don't have the time or the skills but I think it might be more healthy if there is such a thing, but it didn't taste as good. At least it hadn't been sitting on the shelf for a week! Gk had been trying to get to the cake All Day!! He was a good helper with the candles! Bentley got to be such a mess she got a bath! My Mom and Dad came and we gave them some cake. My Dad saw there was a rock on his plate and he was a little concerned, when I told him it was chocolate and it belonged on the cake he laughed pretty hard. With Gk & Bentley I wouldn't be surprised to find rocks in my cake either!
Anyways it's been one big fun party and it isn't over yet! We just love Bentley so much. She has brought something special to our family! She gives the worlds wettest and most tender kisses! She loves to help (she really tries to help me clean up!) She loves hugs. She is such an active little thing. Gk & Bentley will play so cute together. I wish she wouldn't grow up quite so fast but we're loving every second! We sure do love you Bentley "Piper"Ann I hope you know that!


Jenn and Brandon said...

Happy Birthday Bentley! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you guys!

Lar said...

I can't believe she's already 1! It goes too fast! The cake looks great!