Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mr. Turkey!

We have so much to be thankful for! Especially this year. 
We were so happy to go to Evanston and celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister's family.
John and Shaunel have a beautiful house in Evanston and were sweet enough to host the big event. They had quite the spread! There was so much food, I am still full.
Kathy Conder is an amazing cook!
The guys got to play some basketball and after dinner we played ring around the rosies until all the petals fell off the rosies. 
We had such a good time! Thanks So Much!

This is a turkey that Juli, Kaycee, and Jackson made. It is my kind of turkey!
Jackson took this picture and I had to post it because he did such a good job!
Jackson playing with his aunt Shaunel.
This is one that Kaycee took, she is a natural!
G.K. loves his aunt Juli! Jackson isn't such a fan of her holding other babies.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Love the pic's Heidi...they turned out so much better than mine - you pro Photog.... or was that Kaycee being the pro... ha! Had so much fun w/you guys!!!!