Thursday, December 11, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

He loves to play with his toes when I change his bum
Well today Gk and I had a very eventful day! 
We got to go to lunch with all the girls from work!
I love them all and miss them very much.
(Even Kelli and I just met her today-she took Hana's place)
Anyway we had lunch at Archibald's at Gardner Village
They have the absolute best Fried Green Tomatoes.
Gk was pretty good. It was so good to see Diane she looks great!
It was fun to hang out with them when they weren't working....
(Diane, Heather, Maddie, Teena, Gk, Kelli, Mindy, and Julia)
Aren't they all beautiful!
Then we went shopping with Jenn, just for a 
minute... .
they looked so cute in their matching outfits...
Then we came home and had to finish a project or two.
All day my sweet little boy hasn't really slept.
He's been happy, but something was up.
When Patrick got home he noticed the same thing, so he tried putting him down.
But he wouldn't go down for a nap.
Not even in the swing, which is weird
because he'll always fall asleep in the swing.
So Patrick did some investigating.....


a tooth! Holy cow! A tooth in my little baby's mouth!
I know it's kinda hard to see but it is there!
I took him to the dr. yesterday and I asked her about all his chewing and drooling.
She said it was normal. Babies don't usually get teeth until they are 6 months to 1 year.
Well at 4 1/2 months this kid broke teeth!
My baby is growing up!


Bethie said...

oh my!!! congrats little one:) teething is so sad:(
I hope he get happier soon-- oral gel has these great teething things, they look like q tips but they are filled with numbing gel so that you can just rub it on his sad little gums, and so it doesn't get on your hands

Jackson has two little teeth, Bottom- his two top teeth are trying to push through too

Lar said...

Teething is just the beginning of those milestones that mean he's growing up!=( Your blog is so fun to read!