Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Best Friends

Well D'Ohgee hasn't always loved Garrison but lately she has been really sweet!The other day I was just taking a picture of G.K. standing and she wanted to give him some love. I thought it was so sweet! And G.K. can't get enough of her. 
I can't believe how big he is getting. He just wants to stand all the time. Last night I went to check on him after Patrick put him down to go to sleep. The night light was off and when I turned it on he was standing up chewing on his crib just giving me the biggest smile. He is so much fun, I just can't get enough of him.

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Brett and Becca Muir said...

He is so adorable!! I love to see him loving the dog. We also have a dog and avery lights up when she sees her. What a sweet boy you have. We need to get them together sometime, they are so close in age.

The Barkers said...

So cute. I'm sure he'll add 'doggie' or his own interpretation to his vocabulary as soon as he can. You can tell he loves him.