Monday, April 5, 2010


A little while ago we took D'Ohgee and Yogi for a walk on the Jordan Walkway. It was such a nice day and we all needed to go out and enjoy it. Well, the Jordan Walkway is pretty much tore up in just about every direction you go out here. They are preparing for a bunch of new roads (YAY!!), but it's a bummer for the walkway. We got a little ways, then we saw a nice park to play and have lunch. I just love picnics. Brandon, GK, and Patrick had a blast playing soccer. Jenn and I tried to get some sun on our legs.
Then a few days later we dyed some easter eggs. It was such a mess! I don't know if we will do this again for a while. Then we tried to make some sugar cookies and they were really scary, but they still tasted yummy.. All well. Better luck next time!
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