Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keeping Busy!

I have been keeping really busy lately! 
I saw this cute sign on Studio 5 and decided to try to make it since I only have a few Easter things. But I really like how it turned out. Patrick got me a Cricut for Christmas and it has really come in handy. I am trying to be more crafty (more on this to follow!).
While trying to be crafty I have to keep a close eye on my little Monkey!
G.K. is crawling and cruising all over the place.
He tries to eat everything.
Right now he is learning how to get down. It is really fun to watch him.
I try not to "baby" him too much, but he has already had enough falls.
I know he will have a lot more, but he is just a baby!
He has the biggest cheesey smile and loves his Dada!

Monday, March 23, 2009

8 Months

I can't believe that G.K. is 8 months old today. He is getting so big and growing so fast. Sometimes I miss my little baby boy, but then he will give me 5 or his big cheesey smile and say Dada. He Loves his Daddy! But I think his favorite right now is D'Ohgee. He can be in the worst mood and she will come in the room, G.K. will get the biggest smile! It makes it hard when he is trying to fall asleep. He also Loves to stand up. I don't dare turn my back on him because he is climbing up on everything that he can grasp (including the doggie!). It does keep me on my toes. Garrison loves food. especially sweets which helps me know that he is mine since he is looking more and more like Patrick. He is an adventurous little guy and loves people and to be outside. I am so grateful for him. I truly cherish every day. 
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Our Little Fish

Over the weekend Brandon and Jenn invited us to go swimming with them. We had never taken G.K. swimming before so we were really excited to try it. ( I bought a season pass to Seven Peaks so I was really hoping he would like it) He really did like it, you can't really tell int the pictures but he loved it. We were in the water for more than an hour and a half and I think he would have stayed in longer. That was the easiest night to get him to fall asleep. (Not to mention Patrick, because I went with my Mother In Law to get Twilight at midnight at the Lehi Wal-Mart. It was so wierd. I am a seasonal late night shopper from black friday but that is a totally different crowd. I was so annoyed with the obnoxious teenage girls, they were driving me crazy! I wish I could say I wasn't like that but I know I was. I think I was so shocked because all the teenage girls I know are a lot more mature than the girls I was standing by... and also more mature than I was. I still have nightmares about how I treated people. Thank heavens that is over!)  Thanks Brandon and Jenn we had a great time! Sorry we weren't any help with your nieces and nephews.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Who??

So St. Patrick's Day is pretty special around our house.
Now Patrick is no Saint but he is a pretty amazing man, I am SO Lucky to have him.
I tease him a lot about my Hot running doctor but I would never trade.
Anyway! This being G.K.'s first St. Patrick's Day I needed to vamp up our traditions.
On the link parties and Holidays (Which should be Homemaking fun) I found a really cute poem. I kinda put our own twist on it to make it more ours. 
Legend Of The Leprechauns
Full of magic and trickery, the leprechauns remain in their hidden world until the the night before St. Patrick's day. On that one night of the year they appear throughout the world to find a new place to hide their precious treasures.
They dance, sing, and frolic once they are here Disguising themselves as leaves and grass and sounding like the wind and crickets, they come and go unnoticed.
Now it is said that if a treasure box is left empty under the moon the leprechauns must fill the box with their treasures. Be it gold, silver, jewels, or gifts. But then they will hide the filled box in the most unlikely of places until next year when they return.
Now the Leprechauns don't want to leave their treasures, so beware of trickery. They want to distract you from finding what is theirs.
If the box is found on St. Patrick's Day the treasure remains in our world. If not, it will be hidden from our world until the next St. Patrick's Day. Now even though the leprechauns are very clever, it is not impossible to find the treasure

Also on that blog I learned how to applique. 
I have been wanting to learn how to do this for a long time, but never really had a reason.
It was so fun and easy. I made G.K. and I some matching shirts for the big day.

Now Shawn Shawn the Leprechaun has been visiting Patrick for a long time and he didn't disappoint us this year. I don't think he brought as much candy as he usually does but that is Okay we really don't need it. (I am trying to be good about Lent and it is really hard. I will blog about it if I make it.) That tricky leprechaun left footprints all over my kitchen and turned the milk green. But we did get his treasure!

G.K. and I went for a walk and to the park to swing on the swing set.
He Loved it! I think it was his first time, he looked so big on the seat all by himself.
He got to see Grandma Vickie, Jenn & Brandon, and Aunt Shell!
I made Corned Beef for dinner Patrick said it was really good.... It didn't look like it.
And some sugar free mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.
It was the Best St. Patrick's day!



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Best Friends

Well D'Ohgee hasn't always loved Garrison but lately she has been really sweet!The other day I was just taking a picture of G.K. standing and she wanted to give him some love. I thought it was so sweet! And G.K. can't get enough of her. 
I can't believe how big he is getting. He just wants to stand all the time. Last night I went to check on him after Patrick put him down to go to sleep. The night light was off and when I turned it on he was standing up chewing on his crib just giving me the biggest smile. He is so much fun, I just can't get enough of him.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009


This week my friend Kristy was visiting Utah. 
She lives in Arizona, and needed a break from the perfect weather
 but I think she brought it with her! -Thanks Kristy!
I was so happy that we got a chance to get together during her stay.
We went to The Living Planet Aquarium.
I think I was most excited about it, the week before I did my spring cleaning so I needed to get out of the house! But my house is a mess again. Anyway, it was really fun to see all the fish.
My favorite are the jelly fish. 
They really don't seem real to me. 
Do they have hearts? If they do where are they?
It was a fun afternoon. Thanks for hanging out with me Kristy!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Since I've had G.K. Everything in my life has changed.
He has brought so much joy to our family!
Almost everything has been for the better.
That one little thing that isn't better is this one little muscle.
Okay it's a pretty big muscle. The iliopsoas muscle is your main hip flexor.
And my left one hurts. It has for a long time but I kept ignoring it.
I would justify it because it didn't hurt that bad, and it is in an area that has been through a lot, and nobody wants to hear about it.
But a few weeks ago I ran back to back long runs (which never bothered me before!)
And it did me in, I couldn't even run around the block. Walking would hurt.
So I made the Dr. appointment and of course he was a few weeks out.
But I got in and I'm on the mend. 
So hopefully there will be many races this summer!
I know it is my fault that I am in this mess, not G.K.'s 
He would be worth it if I could never run again....
But I think he will like me better if I can run. It makes me a much happier person!