Friday, April 24, 2009

Two Lips!

Lyndsey took G.K. and I to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I haven't been there in 2 years so it was really fun to go back! It was Garrison's 9 Month Birthday and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it. We got there just after 1:00 and had to leave at 4:30 and it was really hard to go. Dyllan and Benton were adorable in their little News-Boy caps. Everyone kept commenting on how adorable they were. I was just glad that G.K. made it out of there in 1 piece. I walked away from his stroller to take a picture of a cute little family and heh almost rolled down a hill and I set him by some flowers to take his picture and he rolled into the dirt. We had a rough go but we got lot of really cute picture! Here are a few...

 I wish I would have gotten more pictures of Benton. I had SO much fun taking pictures I really could have stayed there all day! All the boys were so good for us! We'll have to go again next year!

Earth Day

For Earth Day Lyndsey and I took our boys to the Zoo! It has been about 6 years since I have been to the zoo (Last time was the day my Dad had a heart attack and Dyllan's first birthday!) 
It was such a nice day! It was the first time I put sunscreen on G.K. too. He's not a fan! We got a year pass so I think there will be a lot of Zoo pictures on this blog. The new Elephant exhibit is really cool. The zoo worker said there will be a baby elephant this summer!! I have been reading a lot of Dr. Seuss and one of my favorites is If I Ran The Zoo. I kept thinking of it all day. G.K. really liked some of the animals and some of them I'm not sure he really saw. But he does live with a small horse so I guess these animals aren't that big of a deal to him. He liked the monkeys because they were moving around a lot.

Lyndsey and I are pretty FuN! We rode the carousel and the train. 

I think G.K. really likes watching Benton and Dyllan play!

We had such a fun time at the Zoo! Thanks Lyndsey Dylland and Benton!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

9 in & 9 Out

Today was G.K.'s 9 month Birthday! He is such a big boy! His aunt Lyndsey took us to the Tulip Festival and we had So much fun. We will show more pics hopefully tomorrow. But I am so happy to be this little guys Mom. Even though he loves his Dadda more. He loves to clap and crawl around. I probably let him explore more than I should. He really likes to stand and to play with doors, and handles, and light switches, and door stops, everything really. He is just so inquisitive. I really have a hard time keeping up and I know it will only get harder. He loves to eat everything he can get his hands on. The only things he doesn't like are fresh mushrooms and cinnamon flavored applesause. He even likes meat (not the baby kinds though, I don't blame him). He is so much fun to be with. I love it when he holds me tight but it is only when he hears loud noises, or when he just wakes up. I forget how little he once was, but I can't imagine him getting any bigger. He's feet are too fat to wear shoes. He is amazing when we go out, and he doesn't get to eat right on time or his nap is cut really short. I just love him SO much!! Patrick loves him so much, it is fun to watch them play together! He always knows just what will make G.K. happy. I love that Patrick is so willing to take care of him so I can go running or whatever I am trying to do. He is a pretty easy baby though and we couldn't be happier!
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So when we went to California I didn't lose my glasses I just put them down and didn't get a chance to pick them up from where-ever I put them.. So I've been needing some new glasses. I really only need my glasses to see when driving at night. My eyes really aren't that bad. But I have been nervous about driving G.K. around without them. One day I was watching Studio 5 and they were talking about good deals. They mentioned a web-site that sells glasses for as cheap as $8! That was right up my alley! So I gave it a try. All you need is your prescription and your pupil distance. I put in my order, it came to $12.00 with shipping. My order got lost in "customs" I don't know what that means (and I don't want to know, ignorance is bliss!) except they had to make another pair so it took a little over a month but well worth the wait.So if anyone wants a pair of glasses for super cheap go to  I wish I had picked a cuter pair but I was really "spec"tacle of the whole situation so I just picked the first pair on the $8 page but I think I might get a cuter pair and some sunglasses too! Anyway happy seeing to you all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Salt Lake Half

This last Saturday was SO much fun! My friends Denise and Shawna were running the Salt Lake Half Marathon and I have really been wanting to run it too. We have all done it for the past couple of years, but my hip isn't quite 100% but I ran it with them anyway! It was so  much fun. There is so much to watch while you are running it is amazing how fast time goes by. Jenn and Brandon were so awesome, they came to see me finish! They are the best friends!!  We saw the guys from The Biggest Loser, I don't really watch that show but hopefully someone does and can recognize them. After we figured we might as well try to get Wicked tickets since we were right there. We had sometime to kill so Patrick went and flirted with the Sister missionaries. He even gave one his number. I don't think he understands, he'll be waiting for that booty call for a long time!! j/k He really did give them his # though. Then we went to get wicked tickets and those guys are amazing! They didn't complain once. I was so impressed. After we didn't win we had a late lunch at Olive Garden. It was delicious! Patrick and I went home (Patrick mowed the lawn and I took a shower) then we went back to try and get Wicked tickets, again to no avail! We will keep on trying! 
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Sunday

On Easter Morning we woke up and had a yummy breakfast. G.K. was such a big helper with the waffle mix. Then we found our Easter baskets. (I only got a picture of G.K.'s) The Easter bunny also brought Patrick some shorts and beef jerky, and he brought me a new shirt and an itunes gift card and some candy of course! G.K. got me a cute necklace and bracelet!

We went to church (well sacrament meeting) then we went home to change and to the backyard to fly our new kites that the Easter bunny brought! I learned that I really don't know how to fly a kite without running around like a madman! 

Jenn, Brandon, and Yogi came over and brought a yummy Easter dinner. We went to the park to try out the kites then we took a little walk. It was nice because we were all so full. Jenn is so cute she brought eggs for the dogs to have an Easter Egg hunt too! Yogi is really good at cracking the eggs open to get the cheese. D'Ohgee isn't so smart, Jenn opened up most of hers for her. After the dogs hunted we cut out and decorated sugar cookies, but we ate Michelle's cookies because they are so yummy! I have been craving those like crazy and now that Lent is over I was able to enjoy them! We had such a fun Easter. It wasn't too busy but it was a lot of fun. I tried to tell G.K. the meaning of Easter when I put him to bed (it was his bedtime story). I think I need to find a way to keep the true meanings of these Holidays more prominent than the candy, I guess I have a little while before G.K. will really understand. But if anyone has any ideas let me know!
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On Saturday we had dinner and an Easter egg hunt at Adam and Lyndsey's house.
G.K. really just wanted to play in the grass but he really liked the treats that Grandma & Grandpa got him. 
 After we went to visit My parents hoping to catch Jodi and her family, but they didn't make it.
It was really fun to see them. My Mom made a really yummy dessert and she sent us home with some cookies!

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Last week Lyndsey, Chaye, and I all took our boys to the Aquarium in Sandy. I think the whole Salt Lake Valley had the same idea. Lyndsey saved me a parking spot or else I would have had to walk a half a mile. It took a long time to get in too. But we had a lot of fun. Gage has gotten so big. He is such a cutie. I wish I could have seen him crawl around. Benton was a sweetie too. We were wanting to go to the Zoo but the weather wasn't very good. There were a lot of animals, and they were all really active. GK. loved the sting ray exhibit. I thought he was going to jump in the water. It was fun, we will have to go again when it isn't Spring Break!
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Garrison is getting so big!
We really like to watch him experience new things.
He likes all food (except fresh mushrooms).
He really likes Cookies!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Conference weekend

Over conference weekend Lyndsey invited us to go to Wendover with her to celebrate her 27th birthday! Man she is getting old! We went and took G.K. and I didn't take 1 single picture. I had left it in our room. I was really bummed because we wanted to get a picture of G.K. playing the slots. We were worried about all the smoke but it wasn't too bad. It was really  nice to have some company in the room with me. I had a lot of fun! Thanks Lyndsey for the fun party!

On Sunday we got back in time to listen to the 2nd General Conference session. I listen best when I am doing something. I have been wanting to make a denim blanket for this summer so I got started on that. I am following the idea on it is a really simple and fun idea. (I think anyway, we'll see how it turns out! 

This was G.K. playing in it on Easter. I still have to finish the binding and connecting it to the tablecloth but I got the wrong size tablecloth so I have to go back to the store first.  It has been a really fun and easy project so far.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yes I have been tagged. This one is super easy so I think everyone should do it.
Mom, that even means you!
Go to your pictures. Find the 6th event/folder and pic the 6th picture and tell about it.
Well this was taken when we went to Disneyland with Brandon and Jenn in 2007.
The first time we went to Disneyland together.
I always take these kinds of pictures and it drives Patrick Crazy.
He doesn't like it when I take pictures without anyone in them, he thinks they are boring.
But after a few days with me on vacation he is really sick of stopping to get his picture taken
so I can take advantage of that and get in my scenery pics. 
Anyway I couldn't believe all the sea shells there were.