Patrick has been wanting to go to Twin Lakes all summer long. He had these big plans of going and staying all week. Well this summer has just flown by and before we knew it, it was the last week of September and too late to go to Twin Lakes. So we thought... But get Brandon and Patrick together and they'll make anything work. They found a Twin Lakes that is lower in elevation, shorter, and closer! So we sent G.K. with his Aunt Shell (Michelle) and we were off.
Now the drive was the prettiest thing I've ever seen. I couldn't believe all the fall colors. It was beautiful. We got there in good time (thanks Brandon!) and started on our way. There were a lot of people there which made us all feel a little safer. Mostly boy scout troops, which made us feel a little less safe! It took me a while to realize this is the same trail we would take on our 4th year hike in Girls Camp.
It took a while to get there. I think that the mileage is sketchy when it comes to hiking. I swear the elevation isn't accounted for! But we got there with plenty of daylight to set up camp and for Patrick and Brandon to even go fishing for a little while. (Yes Patrick was sitting IN the fire to start it, and yes he did almost set himself on fire!)
Jenn and I really stayed close to the fire. It was really warm. We had packed up some hobo dinners and they were oh so yummy in the mountains.. a little heavy though. We also had S'mores and hot chocolate. We had brought a ton of food and I thought the less I carried down the better.

That night we didn't sleep a wink. I wish I would have thought like Jenn to bring Tylenol PM, I thought about NyQuil because I have a cold but I usually sleep like a rock.. Not that night. There was an animal in our camp, and Brandon and Jenn's rain fly on their tent sounds like footsteps. I was also a little chilly, we had those hand warmers and they kept me good until just before sunrise and then I was really cold and I had to go to the bathroom (all that hot chocolate!)
But we had a yummy breakfast of banana muffins and oatmeal. Then it was fishing time. Jenn and I made way cute swivel bracelets. If you want one I think Jenn is going to start a business! We even made them for the guys. Fishing is fun! Patrick kept a couple of fish for lunch.
It was a little windy where we were fishing. Jenn and I kept trying to find warm spots in the sun. I think this may have been when we got sunburned.

We went back to our camp for lunch. We had only seen 1 other person before lunch, then after we had a ton of people coming through. We didn't realize but we had camped right off the trail.
So we packed up and headed home.