Monday, September 7, 2009

Time Flies!

We have been lovin' every minute of this summer and can't believe it is winding down all ready.  We finished up our Seven Peaks passes and got G.K. a sand box for the back yard since he like Bear Lake so much. Here are some more fun things we've been up to.
This was the last 7 Peaks trip... For sure want to this next summer too!!
G.K. is super independent.. which is really good and bad. He is getting really good at using a fork and spoon, here I fed him some yogurt. He started using a spoon, then his fingers in the other hand, then he was slurping up some right out of the bowl!
We love to go visit Daddy at work! He does so much for us and we are SO grateful! He is the best for taking such good care of us and working so hard while we go to the zoo and water-park.
(It's really hard work though I promise!)
We got to celebrate my Uncle Randal's birthday a week ago, it was so nice to see him! He knows so much about everything. He's always been our closest uncle. He is very hip and very cool. 
We've been going on a lot of walks and runs. Juli and I went up City creek on Friday and it felt like I was home! I know that sounds cheesey, but I just love it up there.  I hope I can go a few more times this year.

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